This online program is your ultimate guide to the science behind keto from beginner to advanced.
I take you through 12 weeks of modules that cover everything from the basics of the ketogenic diet, right through to fasting, optimizing your health and weight loss and busting weight stalls. You'll get access to a bunch of recipes, guides, and videos to support you along the way.
What we cover in the online course…
Start Here
Covers cultivating a mindset that supports your successful keto journey and if you are pairing this online course with coaching session, what those look like and what you can expect from me as a coach.
Preparation Week
Covers everything to get you started the right way for success, from useful products to busting keto “flu” – loads of meal plans and guides to help you along the way.
Weeks 2 - 12
Week 2 is all about transition from using sugar as your fuel source to being a fat burner, food swops and how alcohol affects ketones
Week 3 tackles the net carbs vs total carbs debate; how to know if you are eating too much fat and tips for making traveling easy whilst still living keto
Week 4 deals with that first challenge when you deviate from keto and how to get on track easily; we talk stress reduction and how to navigate social eating
Week 5 challenges the thinking about vegetables and sweeteners on a keto eating plan; the vital importance of sleep and your keto body chemistry after 4 weeks of using fat for fuel; share my guide on how to get better sleep and more delicious recipes
Week 6 covers the practical steps of intermittent fasting and how stress slows weight loss and strategies for stress resilience
Week 7 delves deeper into the science behind ketone testing, what the numbers mean and how to use them to refine your keto lifestyle for maximum health and weight loss; I help you navigate food on the run and strategies to cope with eating on the weekends
Week 8 steps into OMAD (One meal a day), fasting and fasting myths and how to use fasting in your keto lifestyle to move weight loss forward and accelerate healing; I share my guide to unplugging before bedtime and all about bone broth
Week 9 explains the cholesterol myths and how autophagy is nature’s antiaging elixir; why eating during daylight matters and how to curb the night-time nibbles; tips for breaking longer fasts and how circadian rhythms fit into keto
Week 10 helps you understand longer fasts and why you may need them; all about Vitamin D and how to be a discerning keto lifestyle follower; cracker and granola recipes to enjoy
Week 11 shows you how you can live a keto lifestyle sustainably and my top tips to do so; how to do some awesome entertaining that your guests will love (and they won’t know it’s keto!)
Week 12 explains how to live a healthy and sustainable keto lifestyle, while also offering support for your continued success in your keto journey.
*Add private coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs supported each week by the online learning platform. Never be stuck with questions or challenges, let me be there as your keto expert and accountability partner.
*For even more support, join my weekly support groups. Be encouraged by me as your coach alongside veterans who represent your future self and be with like-minded people who are walking the walk.